lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011

Reporte de práctica


This was the first class in the third grade group “A”. The topic was “Planning holidays”.
I started introducing myself and saying the objective of my class, I could notice that most of the students understood what I said. As a warm-up I played with them “hot potatoes” about different topics such as holidays, places and things used for travelling in order to activate their previous knowledge.
After that, I played a dialogue and I used a poster for clarifying the information. I continued with the vocabulary, and for introducing to them I used colorful flashcards. When I showed to them I pronounced the word, once I had finished I repeated  the vocabulary again  one by one, but this time the students repeated it after me.  Then, I stocked the cards in the board, in this way when  I pointed out a card I asked students to tell me the word, they told me and I wrote the word in the board next to the flashcard.

After that, I presented the dialogue in the written form, I read it again pointing out the characters; and then I asked two students to perform the same dialogue. They passed to the front and perform the same dialogue.
Then I stocked the conversation in disorder for them to order it, they worked in pairs. Some minutes later all of us checked the answers. Later on, students copied the information in their notebooks and  I gave everybody a small card in which there was a place and the information in order for them to make a reservation, using the conversation as an example.
Finally they performed their dialogues and present them to the whole class.


Next day, I said again the purpose of the class and as a warm up I used a crossword that was related to the vocabulary seen in the previous lesson.  I asked some students to the board and write or draw the meaning of that vocabulary.
Then, in order to introduce the new topic that was “Tour advertisements”  I presented an advertisements and I talked about the information that it contained. Then I made students read and noticed about the pronunciation. After that I formed pairs and I gave advertisements to each one. Then I wrote some questions on the board in order for them to answer  them according to the advertisement given to them. E.g: How much does the package cost?
We checked the answers according to their brochure and then they copied the information and used those questions for playing a conversation.
I gave them some material in  order for them to design a brochure. I gave them 10 minutes for  this activity, and I could notice that they were really interested in it.  They presented their work in front of the class.

Students that passed to the front 

                                                 They copied the information in their notebooks

                                                   The questions they must answer those questions

They worked in pairs and designed their advertisements 

Planning holidays material (day 2)

Material with which students did a brochure
Written dialogue

Lesson plan unit 4: Planning Holidays (day 2)

Planning holidays material (day 1)