viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

Reporte de práctica segunda jornada

Topic: "Places and buildings"
Date: May 27th

Due to the evaluation week  I just could give one class because my schedule was interrupted.
I introduced myself and I explained the objective of my class, however, this time I realized that most of the students did not understand what I said, so I had to clarify the information in Spanish.
As a warm up I stocked in the board a map in which students had to tell me what they saw. This activity was funny and really useful for activating their previous knowledge.
I started the class with a map of "Springfield" and I talked about that place, I used the "there is and there are" structures.
Then, I presented the vocabulary used in the map that has to do with places (theater, park, pet shop, cinemas, etc). I used flashcards as well, because I could notice that for students is much easier to make relations between an image and a concept. I followed the same procedure than the other practices. I showed a flashcard and I said the word, once I finished I repeated them again, but this time I asked students to repeat after me; so that I stocked every image in the board and next to it I wrote the word.

When I finish this activity I used another map, but this time the students must have used there is and there are according to the places they saw..... Once they did that, I divided the board in two parts, in the left side I wrote "There is" and in the right side I wrote "There are", most of the students participated by themselves.
After that all of us checked the answers and they copied the chart in the notebooks... I asked them to work in pairs, and I gave a map to each pair, they had to talked about the places they saw but using there is or there are according to the number of places they had.. Finally I asked them to do a chart and classify the information as we did it before.

All students worked and they were interested.

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