jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Propuesta para mejorar el plan y programa de estudios de secundaria.

Desde mi punto de vista y basándome en mis prácticas realizadas este semestre, considero que las clases de Inglés se enriquecerían más si en las escuelas se contarán con laboratorios de idiomas con tecnología de vanguardia y actividades didácticas, interactivas, de simulación e incluso talleres de conversación, pero tomando en cuenta el contexto en el que se desenvuelven y con cosas que los estudiantes de secundaria ya conocen. Durante mi práctica de "Countries and nationalities" yo apliqué material didáctico atractivo e interesante para la etapa por la que están pasando, puesto que tomé en cuenta mucho de los intereses de ellos y de lo que está de moda. Tomando como ejemplo está actividad, creo que la aplicación de este tipo de ejercicios beneficiaría a los estudiantes en cuanto a la pronunciación, la fluidez y asimilación del idioma; asimismo promovería un aprendizaje más autónomo, motivacional y al interactuar con sus compañeros se estarían enriqueciendo con sus aportaciones y participaciones con el fin de dar un sentido común a lo que se está aprendiendo. Sin embargo y debido a la condición actual del sistema educativo y, en general, de nuestro país es imposible hacer llegar esta tecnología de manera equitativa a todas las comunidades, además esta implementación no
estaría de acuerdo con los planteamientos didácticos de los programas de Inglés 20006.
Finalmente, la solución que brindaría sería que nosotros -como futuros docentes- incorporáramos este tipo de actividades dentro del aula para mejorar la enseñanza del idioma y asimismo ellos aprendieran de una manera más activa y familiar.

Communicatie class characteristics

  • They are active
  • There is practice of the written and spoken codes
  • Classes are focus on real situations (considering the context) and in their interests. The activities must be designed to what students already know.
  • Presentation of authentic texts ( texts originally created by native speakers)
  • There is a lot of  interaction in the class
  • Integration and development of the 4 macroskills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) 

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

Photos of the second practice in second grade

 Introducing myself and establishing the objective of the class

 Recovery of information

Giving the material 

Students getting prepare for the bingo
  Helping students with te pronunciation and answer some questions
 Students playing
 They changed their cards and continued playing. They had fun
At the end of the lesson I gave them a chocolate bar

Report of practice for second grade.

Iniatilly when my partners and I went to the school to ask for topics, the teacher of seond grade asked to design activities in which students could use and practice with the vocabulary of "Clothes and accesories", but when we went to do our practices she changed us the topic, so we have to improvise that week. Furthermore, the teacher did not allow us to give the first class, she only left us observe.

The next day I presented a Bingo with students.

*Recovery of information

I asked students to draw any clothes or accesory and to change that drawing with a  partner so that they could write the name of that item.

*Main activity

Then I formed teams of six people and gave them the material (Bingo). I explained the instructions and gave examples.


It was continued because while students were playing I checked their pronunciation and understanding of the words.

Lesson plan for second grade

TOPIC: Buying and selling things

Report second practice: first grade.

TOPIC: Review of the present progressive tense.


I sticked the flashcards and students pass to the board in order to write the name of the verbs. The majority of students participated and passed to the board.

After that, the following  activities were interrupted because the principal of the school asked teachers to tell students do the cleaning in the classroom, so I couldn´t continue with the practice.

Lesson plan for first grade

TOPIC: Review of present progressive

Photos second practice: First grade

Topic: Review of simple present tense.

 Introduction myself and telling students the objective of the class

Students wrote the verbs they already knew

Taking notes when the teacher asked them
Students first listened and reapeated
Students notice  the spelling of the verbs

Students participated actively


Report of second practice: First grade.

TOPIC: Review of the simple present tense.


The class started with a brainstorming of students, in that moment, they participated spontaneously and really good because they had already learned the common verbs. So, I asked some students to come to the board and write any verb they remembered, some examples were:



Then, I presented a little text in which there were more verbs in a small description. I started reading it and pronounced it. When I finished I asked students to repeat after me the new verbs.Eg.:  Peter sleeps. "Sleep" (and I showed the image)


After this activity, I showed the flashcards with the verbs, I sticked and wrote them in the board and they pronounced them.
The teacher asked students to write the new words in their notebooks. Then I asked students to write a sentence per verb.


Finally I asked students to come to the board again and to write the name of the verb according to the picture and write a sentence.

PERSONAL COMMENT: This class was good because as students already know the structure of the simple present they participated in a better way and spontaneously, even some of them wanted to pass to the board more than once.  And students also drew the new verbs they had gotten.

OBSERVATIONS BY THE TEACHER: The teacher told me everything was good, however, he asked me to say the instructions completely in English and if students did not understand them I can translated to Spanish, but after saying them in English.

Lesson plan for first grade from December 13th to 17th 2010.

Topic: Review of present simple tense

Oficio Escuela Secundaria Técnica No. 43

martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Acquisition and learning of a language

Today and accordimg to the material given I can resume the main differences between acquire and learn a language:

Acquisition:  unconscious
                    without reflection

Learning: intentional
               with a purpose
               is part of an evaluation  

Contributions of Piaget´s theory to the education field

Nowadays Piaget's theory is a base for the changes made in education:

1.- He proposed "learn to learn" must be the goal of education because in this way students become in creative, independant and conscious people instead of simple tansmission and memorization of information.

2.- Piaget established that knowledge is constructed from physical and mental activities of the child:
      To know an object is use it. Know it is modify it, transform it, understand
       the proccess of that transformation and consequently, undestand the way it is contructed (p.8)
According to this,children need the opportunity to explore, experiment, look for answers to their questions but using the mental activity.

3.- Piaget pointed out activities must be adjusted according to the conceptual development stage of the child.    Learning  is better when the activities are related to things the child already know, but at the same time, it overcomes the current comprehension level in order to provoke a congnoscitive conflict.

4.- Social interaction plays an important role in the cognoscitive development to rhe child.  Sociual interaction helps to reduce the egocentrism of young children.

Approaches to teaching foreign languages

Today in the class of OPD the teacher gave us some copies about studies in the field of Teaching Foreign Languages (Piaget) , and this was what I found:
Assimilation: It involves the interpretation of events in terms of existing cognitive structure. In other words, it is to use a response already learned in order to react to a new stimulo.  

Accomodation: Is the changing of the cognitive structure to make sense of the environment. In other words, it is to internalize a stimulo that does not fit in any structure we already have.

During my practice I could find this concepts like this:

Assimilation: When students repeated after me after I pronounced and pointed out the country in the map, they do it in a mechanic way (repetition and memorization). Then. they assimilated the answers to respond to the question withouth using the repetition/memorization.

Accomodation: At the moment students could distinguish some words, their function (verb, noun,etc) and the order of those elements,  they accomodated that knowledge...

Finally I could notice that as secondary students are in the Formal operations stage (from 12-15 years) they involve abstractions, it means, they are more conscious and they understand what they do. And it is important to consider what Chomsky says: "Context is crucial when learning a second language", so we as teacher must create that context in the classroom.