miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

Report of practice for second grade.

Iniatilly when my partners and I went to the school to ask for topics, the teacher of seond grade asked to design activities in which students could use and practice with the vocabulary of "Clothes and accesories", but when we went to do our practices she changed us the topic, so we have to improvise that week. Furthermore, the teacher did not allow us to give the first class, she only left us observe.

The next day I presented a Bingo with students.

*Recovery of information

I asked students to draw any clothes or accesory and to change that drawing with a  partner so that they could write the name of that item.

*Main activity

Then I formed teams of six people and gave them the material (Bingo). I explained the instructions and gave examples.


It was continued because while students were playing I checked their pronunciation and understanding of the words.

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