martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Approaches to teaching foreign languages

Today in the class of OPD the teacher gave us some copies about studies in the field of Teaching Foreign Languages (Piaget) , and this was what I found:
Assimilation: It involves the interpretation of events in terms of existing cognitive structure. In other words, it is to use a response already learned in order to react to a new stimulo.  

Accomodation: Is the changing of the cognitive structure to make sense of the environment. In other words, it is to internalize a stimulo that does not fit in any structure we already have.

During my practice I could find this concepts like this:

Assimilation: When students repeated after me after I pronounced and pointed out the country in the map, they do it in a mechanic way (repetition and memorization). Then. they assimilated the answers to respond to the question withouth using the repetition/memorization.

Accomodation: At the moment students could distinguish some words, their function (verb, noun,etc) and the order of those elements,  they accomodated that knowledge...

Finally I could notice that as secondary students are in the Formal operations stage (from 12-15 years) they involve abstractions, it means, they are more conscious and they understand what they do. And it is important to consider what Chomsky says: "Context is crucial when learning a second language", so we as teacher must create that context in the classroom.

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