martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Contributions of Piaget´s theory to the education field

Nowadays Piaget's theory is a base for the changes made in education:

1.- He proposed "learn to learn" must be the goal of education because in this way students become in creative, independant and conscious people instead of simple tansmission and memorization of information.

2.- Piaget established that knowledge is constructed from physical and mental activities of the child:
      To know an object is use it. Know it is modify it, transform it, understand
       the proccess of that transformation and consequently, undestand the way it is contructed (p.8)
According to this,children need the opportunity to explore, experiment, look for answers to their questions but using the mental activity.

3.- Piaget pointed out activities must be adjusted according to the conceptual development stage of the child.    Learning  is better when the activities are related to things the child already know, but at the same time, it overcomes the current comprehension level in order to provoke a congnoscitive conflict.

4.- Social interaction plays an important role in the cognoscitive development to rhe child.  Sociual interaction helps to reduce the egocentrism of young children.

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