miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

Report of second practice: First grade.

TOPIC: Review of the simple present tense.


The class started with a brainstorming of students, in that moment, they participated spontaneously and really good because they had already learned the common verbs. So, I asked some students to come to the board and write any verb they remembered, some examples were:



Then, I presented a little text in which there were more verbs in a small description. I started reading it and pronounced it. When I finished I asked students to repeat after me the new verbs.Eg.:  Peter sleeps. "Sleep" (and I showed the image)


After this activity, I showed the flashcards with the verbs, I sticked and wrote them in the board and they pronounced them.
The teacher asked students to write the new words in their notebooks. Then I asked students to write a sentence per verb.


Finally I asked students to come to the board again and to write the name of the verb according to the picture and write a sentence.

PERSONAL COMMENT: This class was good because as students already know the structure of the simple present they participated in a better way and spontaneously, even some of them wanted to pass to the board more than once.  And students also drew the new verbs they had gotten.

OBSERVATIONS BY THE TEACHER: The teacher told me everything was good, however, he asked me to say the instructions completely in English and if students did not understand them I can translated to Spanish, but after saying them in English.

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